Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I Don't Trust Obama

Obama is an elitist. He cannot handle competition. I mean come on, do you really think McCain was competition? Most people I know who voted for Obama only did so because they thought McCain was an awful choice. What does that say for Obama? It tells me he won due to lack of competition and minority racist pooling (I don't know if anyone has ever used that term, but feel free to use it if they haven't).

All the dems and libs are the same way... they're weak, they cannot understand why people have such a problem with others making choices for them, and they want the government to create utopia for them rather than they themselves create it within a community. Obama loves to stir the pot (that's what he was designed to do), and now that nothing's really on the front, that we know about, what do you think the next BIG one is going to be in regards to regulation? My hunch is Gun Control. I think its brewing folks, I can smell it. They're being very quiet about it not to let it leak, but they're orchestrating it as we speak.

I'm betting they'll shake up the election in November with propaganda and such just enough to keep their "power," and by Feb. 2011, they pass a major gun control bill and start taking them away. What better way to grow the government? They'll sell it as a "time to clean house" regulation and get Americans to work on real issues, like crime and protecting our children (smoke screens).

It will be the ultimate excuse to pull troops out of Afghanistan, and bring them back to execute a homeland security order to take our guns away. Here's the sad thing about this. We won't be able to hide them because they have the ability to detect them via satellite and dogs. If this happens, do you think Americans are prepared? I don't, and furthermore if it does happen, with all due respect, I think it will be a disgrace for any soldier or law enforcement officer to uphold that law.

I would like to think Americans are strong enough, but I don't. I also think folks in the armed forces and law enforcement have been conditioned enough to follow any orders. It doesn't take much finger pointing to get people riled up enough to execute an order and the finger pointers are very effective at it... so effective, that in the past some of our troops have committed terrible atrocities.

Unknowingly to most Americans, we are in a civil war right now. It started back in the 60's, but really got going with the "War on Drugs" campaign. War on Drugs was a blatant declaration of civil war, and I'm shocked Americans fell for it. Our leaders put up a smoke screen pointing fingers at other countries (the drug suppliers) and executed their operation on Americans.

If you've read this far, you're probably asking yourself why I deviated so far from the topic. I think violating freedom of speech, gun control, and prohibition all fit into the same category... government control. The government does not want people to think for themselves. They want to dictate what drugs we take and who is to produce them (why do you think we're in Afghanistan?), how we are to be protected, and what we are allowed to talk about. Sound familiar? Is there anywhere on Earth like that right now? Yea there is, and guess what, they supply most of our products: China. Hi China. I know you (China) don't like people like me (I read the recent story about how you warned us about Facebook causing political unrest Too bad. As long as I have the ability, I'm going to speak my mind. And if I drop off, someone else will pick up the slack until you are defeated.

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